Sociedad101 Videos

¿Qué es la posverdad?

La posverdad es un relato de la realidad que no se corresponde con hechos probados sino que apela a las emociones, creencias o deseos de la gente para modelar la opinión pública. [...]

Número 31 de la revista UMH Sapiens

Salud mental y deporte, aplicaciones terapéuticas del cannabis, innovación en las series, lucha contra la ceguera de córnea… La redactora jefa, Alicia de Lara, da las claves en esta entrevista a Radio UMH.

The road to your rights

Children's Rights are promises made by governments and society to ensure that children have a good life. Do you know them? The first step to defend and know them is to learn them. Let's go there!

The memory of our city

Interactive game to discover the historical memory of the city of Elche, what history is and what the sources of historical documentation are, with the Pedro Ibarra Chair of the Miguel Hernández University. With curiosities about men and women from Elche, an exemplary doctor and a letter to Abraham Lincoln that could never reach its consignees...